Silverstick Recap, upcoming schedule & practice plan, News, Midget Rep, 2015-2016 (Lambton Shores Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 11, 2016 | Max Gowdy | 1119 views
Silverstick Recap, upcoming schedule & practice plan
Good evening Midget players;

I hope everyone was able to get some rest after the weekend. The Silverstick tournament is an emotional event and can really wear a team down. Although we were unsuccessful in attaining our goal I am proud of the effort that was put forth on the weekend. Our team will benefit from the lessons learned from the tournament and utilize them in the upcoming OMHA playdowns.

In regards to OMHA playdowns and Shamrock league playoffs we have to make a decision on Tuesday night on our desire to compete in the Shamrock league playoffs. I have to confirm that we are "opting in" or "opting out" of Shamrock league playoffs. I would like each of you to think about this and we will have a team discussion prior to practice tomorrow night regarding this topic before I and the coaching staff make a decision. Please be prepared to have this discussion at 9:45pm. Our practice will run from 10pm to 10:50pm.

Our upcoming schedule this weekend includes 3 games. One OMHA playdown game in Belmont on Friday night and 2 league games in Forest on Saturday and Sunday. With our upcoming schedule it will be imperative that you all get the proper nutrition and rest necessary to compete at your highest levels.

OMHA playdowns will be a home and home round robin with Belmont and Lucan. See schedule below:

This weekend's schedule:

Tomorrow nights practice: